Shri Navkar Sarvar Kendra was established in the year 1993 to serve Pujya Sadhu-Sadhviji Bhagvants of all four sects of Jain community by serving them with natural Ayurvedic medicines. The activities of "Sadharmik Seva" and "Shasana Seva" were also linked with Vaiyavachcha Bhakti with the aim of “Savi Jiv Karu Shasan Rasi”.
Two years later, Jeevadaya activity was started to advance non-violence, the basic tenet of Jainism. "Veterinary Camps" were conducted in various Panjrapoles of Gujarat. "Navkar Animal Helpline" is currently functioning in Ahmedabad city for the treatment of stray animals. Gujarat's Panjrapole and Animal Hospitals are provided high quality medicines by the "Animal Care Centre" without
any profit. At the same time, plans are afoot to build a state-of-the-art "Animal Hospital" in Ahmedabad, which will be set up very soon.
Since last 28 years, Shri Navkar Sarvar Kendra has been continuously carrying out significant activities in the field of Jinshasan Seva as well as in the field of Jeevdaya.